
Archive for February, 2010

Today I turned 33

February 25, 2010 Leave a comment

Damn, I mean ‘alhamdullilah’ I promised my wife not to curse anymore once I turned 33. It was a wild ride to get here.

We just got back from a family friend dinner , a couple of friends came over and we had a feast, we didn’t even finish the ‘ikan siakap masak harimau menangis’ that we ordered because it was too much. (let me translate the dish for you to my non english reader/friend- Siakap fish cooked with crying tiger style?) I think that sounds about right, if there’s any appropriate translation other than that, feel free to drop me a line.

Anyway, thanks to Facebook, birthday wishes came pouring to my page, which is good.My wife surprises me with a birthday card and a Paul Simon Shirt, Pergh Paul Simon tuuu…must’ve cost her a fortune. Wait did I say Paul Simon, I meant Paul Smith ya Paul Smith.Thanks babe! She knows the minute I woke up I would first sit in front of a computer before doing anything else, typical geek ya, computer and the internet above everything else. That’s why the present and the card were placed in my home office , in front of my MacBook Pro & the PC.

A couple of glitches here and there before my birthday, I went for the usual day trip meeting at KK yesterday and got back around 8pm as usual, went home watch some movies that I downloaded earlier then I received an anonymous text that almost spoilt the day. The text that I received , which I am not sure were sent to me accidently or on purpose , I have no idea but it wasn’t funny at all, the text basically says things that would upset my wife as if I was having an affair with some one, which my wife almost bought it, and which I am this close of having to sleeping on the couch or not getting lucky know what I mean…

But on and all it was a fruitful day,I am humbled by the wishes and the blessings from everyone..may god bless you all. Salut!

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