
Posts Tagged ‘office’

Holiday Seasons

September 10, 2009 4 comments

Okay I admit, I skipped tonight’s tarawikh, not proud of it but I was so tired that after sungkai and maghrib, I accidently dozed off in the living room.

So today I chaired 2 tiring meetings which is related to the school programs scheduled to be held soon after the raya break, I believe the meetings were rather disorganized, part of it is because I did not manage to address key areas.

Well let me just say that it was no fun of chairing a meeting, I mean you had to make a really firm decisions and people are depending on you to make one.

But what’s interesting is that I had a birds eye view of the situation in office, that despite the rhetoric that we say publicly or during a formal function, we were actually humans with different agendas which actually tried to make ends needs. I don’t think any team buildings or motivational seminars will be able to change SSIL, it is so deeply embedded that any changes will only be repelled viciously. As much as I am uncomfortable of saying this, you know that it is true, that we are actually divided with our own groups.

So enough of that, Raya is around the corner, and if you don’t know me, I am not that excited for it, well that spirit in me ended way back when I realized that Raya is fun only if you were a kid, and this year, Amalia my baby daughter will be celebrating her first Raya, so we will make it as fun as possible for her.
So that’s it people. Salam.

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