
Posts Tagged ‘Mr L’

What’s up with this girl part 4?

April 16, 2009 4 comments

Well I have no idea where this is going. I mean seriously what is up with this girl anyway?

Last time I checked Mr L (not his real name) is planning to make a visit to meet this girl and maybe the parents too just to understand what the situation is all about. Yes when you are in love or if you think you are in love or if you have no clue what you are doing then yes in a way you are in love. In Mr L’s case he’s in the highest level of the love pyramid which what we call the ‘angau’ stage.

But enough of that, I think Mr L understands the message what the girls was trying to convey to him. And as a gentlemen Mr L accepts the fact that it is over. But as today’s story is not about ‘what’s up with this girl’, its about Mr. L. Yes the ‘what’s up with this girl’ saga continues with the heroin ended up dead and the hero of the movie moves on. And he is moving very fast indeed to find his ultimate goal which is true love…or is it?

Anyway, Mr L is moving on yes? Or was he opening up his options, we shall see and we shall analyze in detail on what he is going to do next.

Recently a girl had arrived in this beautiful seaside campus of ours. And she hails from the Northern part of the British Isle. No she’s not a ‘minah saleh’ she just happen to read in one of those prestigious Universities up there, and she did pick up some of the slang or twangs while studying about a year or so there. Lets call her Miss X (not her real name either).

So again Mr L is attracted, Mr L started to flirt , I’m on a roll babe’ Mr L said, I’m still in the game. So the fling starts and jokes and giggling fills the corridors of fifth floor, its seems everything looks so perfect now, Mr L even declares that he’s not having any rice for almost 2 weeks now, “..nanti tak payah lah susah-susah masak nasi..I nie simple ….” says Mr. L. “Huh?!..Ape nie..???” Miss X responded while sorting out the papers that were presented before the meeting starts. At this point I excused myself from the awkward situation.

Yes ladies and gentlemen Miss X has no clue what Mr L’s intentions was, because he haven’t said anything to her just merely making remarks and beating around the bush on his conversation. And suddenly the bomb drops in the middle of the meeting.” I’m not available for the whole month of June 2009..” Miss X making a comment. ” Oooo ..nak bertunang ke nie?” the chairman of the meeting making a wild guest. And there were a total silence from the room and not even a single reply form Miss X. And as we all know, that when a girl agrees on something but didn’t want to show their excitements, they will keep their heads down and smile. And that is what Miss X just did, she nodded down and smile, a deep full of hope ‘I can’t wait till June 2oo9’ smile.

And Mr. L just stood there shockingly still, muted without a word.

Thursday 4.08pm.

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