
Posts Tagged ‘likasz’ is back….

February 2, 2009 1 comment

Yes I’m back.I wanted to take a break for a while but this thing is too much..its like my addiction to the Tongkat Ali Cafe drink. It is very addictive, I just can’t stop writing, ranting,complaining, reporting, its like what I said to my students, it what makes us sane.

Well thisĀ  year started rather depressing. What I meant was, I came back on the third and the next day went straight to the office, I just feel depressed for coming back here, for not achieving what I want to do last year. But eventually I got invited to attend the ‘What’s Hot 2009’ early in January, my blood level starts to pump up again, I become optimistic because the crowd was positive. So I was pumped up and came back to the office with a bang.

I am going to focus on my entrepreneurial activities, I will attend more entrepreneurial programs and will finish by business plan by 6th of February because I will be attending another entrepreneurial program in PWTC on the 8th and 9th.

Hope everything goes well.