
Posts Tagged ‘the world’

To sum it all up…

February 7, 2009 Leave a comment

Overall I had an interesting trip, I met the right people I get the information that I wanted too. This is the perks of becoming ‘Pemangku Timbalan Dekan Akademik’ and Pemangku kepada Pemangku Dekan’ well its not official but it seems that I am doing all thier work since we don’t have anybody appointed to that post..yet. Next week I’ll be attending the meeting for Majlis Dekan-Dekan ICT Malaysia. Will you look at that ‘Dekan-dekan’.

The week after, I will attend a ceremony with MDEC somewhere in KL.

As for my Business Model class this semester (my favorite class), I had manage to attend only two classes so far since January. Imagine that January, because of all this newly appointed task that I need to attend to.

To sum it all up, the Malaysia government is in for a turbulent economy. But they dare not say the ‘R’ word to the fact that it will chase away investors and jitter up the stock market. In fact not all industry were effected by the turbulence, only certain export industry. Say if you are a factory owner who are a heavy exporter to say the US, then yes you are in deep s@#t. Others are doing fine but not that good. Information based industry which capitalize the use of ideas and innovation seems to thrive in this era. Especially in the areas of outsourcing, to be exact the higher level chain in the outsourcing process such as software development and Business Intelligence. Matured market such the US and Europe are depended upon IT infrastructure and service for their businesses, but since they are cutting down on IT spending, these market can be served a cheaper option for the same service. Now if you cannot see this then forget about starting a business.

Entrepreneurs need to be a contrarian.Be optimistic when the crowd are pessimistic and when the crowd is optimistic , be the opposite.