
Archive for the ‘politics’ Category on stuffs…

March 26, 2009 4 comments

A while back , a friend if you want to call it phoned me. I have a strong  believe that this is not our usual ‘minum’ call, because the tone of the conversation and even the opening of the conversation were very intimidating.

How does it start? Seriously I don’t know and I don’t really give a f*ck. But what bothers me is that how did it come into this. We used to hang out, share the same interest in music and certain views but now. This is one of the reasons that I had shunned away from my ‘hommies’,we had this sort of a ritual or ‘a thing to do’ that if either of us came back home to KK, we will all go out and hang out at Saleem till the wee hour of the morning. But lately things had changed , people do change eventually, it was not as fun as it was before where everything was fun now its just damn too sensitive.Its just a matter of differences in our view of the political landscape not that serious. I consider them an elitist who is struggling hard to cling to the power that be. So yes, that is why every time I go back home, I will only hang out at home or take my son to 1Borneo or hang out with my wife anywhere that suites her.

Anyway what’s up with me lately, I couldn’t understand either , its like I’m on a  emotional roller coaster for this past few weeks. Must be the weather or was it the hormone that my wife is having eventually ,  got into me biologically because we were very close. Oh ya by the way, maybe we are having another baby by end of this year. Yes we had one recently and she’s 4 month old, so yesterday we did or she did her thing by using that thing and its a double line so that means you are pregnant. How the hell did it happen? Maybe that one time in the afternoon. Anyway I am extremely happy with the news but still we need to get a official conformation from the clinic.

So ok ciao….